Lower Your Corporate Tax Burden


If you’ve just incorporated, you can get help registering with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) from the business specialists at TaxAssist Accountants. Even if you’re simply looking for ways to increase your profits, you can benefit from the expertise of the tax specialists at TaxAssist Accountants. Every company incorporated in Canada must pay corporate tax on its profits. But you should take advantage of every opportunity to lower the amount you pay.

Federal tax rates in Canada can be confusing if you don’t have a dedicated accountant on staff who knows how to read the rules and apply them to your business. Rather than pay the highest corporate tax rate, for example, a knowledgeable accountant finds sufficient expenses and other conditions to help you reach the lowest rate your company should pay.

What Are Provincial and Territorial Tax Rates?

Not only do you need to have someone with in-depth knowledge of the constantly changing federal Canadian tax rules, but also someone with extensive knowledge of the lower and higher rates commissioned by territories and provinces. Variations include:

For all territories and provinces, except Alberta and Quebec, the federal government collects the tax revenues in addition to federal taxes. You can lower your tax burden when you file by filling out the proper forms, such as the Schedule 5 form that’s required if your company:

How Do I Lower My Final Corporate Tax Burden?

Once you’ve identified the appropriate tax forms, find an experienced accountant to design a tax planning strategy to reduce the amount of corporate tax you must pay. Save receipts for your deductions to support your claims in case you are selected for an audit. But before adding deductions to lower your tax burden, make sure those deductions apply to the correct year. The most common deductions you can take to reduce the amount of corporate tax you pay each year include:

While the process may seem straightforward, you have a business to run. Keeping track of the details of your expenditures isn’t always front of mind. Instead of paying higher taxes because you haven’t had the time to maintain the necessary data, contact TaxAssist Accountants today to get started on a system that ensures you pay the lowest corporate taxes possible.

Last updated: 22nd June 2022